A Moment of Reflection

From Toastmasters To Teaching

30 January 2025 | Moments of Reflection

Article - From Toastmasters to Teaching

I recently finished a supervision session with one of my Master’s dissertation students. She was delighted with the detailed feedback I provided on her last assignment, saying she had never received such comprehensive comments before. This kind of response is common from my students, and while I appreciate the praise, I owe much of my feedback skills to Toastmasters.

In my feedback, I draw heavily on the evaluation techniques I’ve learned at Toastmasters. I always start by being clear about the learning outcomes, much like the purpose behind each Pathways project.

Finding something positive to say is crucial, and with an appreciation mindset, it’s easy to highlight the gold in their work. I also provide constructive suggestions for improvement. Just as we do with speeches in our clubs, I offer ideas to help less experienced students and even those excelling with distinctions. My goal is to encourage them to stretch beyond the course requirements. Who knows, maybe my student will pursue a PhD next, and it’s my job to light the path.

Connecting with the person and understanding their goals is paramount when evaluating a speech or reviewing a dissertation. I focus on what the assignment means to them and how they can apply their learning to their own context. This personal connection helps me provide feedback that really resonates.

Ultimately, my job is to serve my students. A wise District Director once told me, “You don’t join Toastmasters just to be good at Toastmasters.” This philosophy guides me in applying my Toastmasters skills to all areas of my life.

How have you applied your Toastmasters skills in other parts of your life?

Further Reflections

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