I was chatting with some friends this week about being analytical in leadership work. How much analysis is enough, how much is too much? When to go fast, when to slow down. Decide in haste and repent at leisure? Or let procrastination be your tragedy?
Where we get to?
That the approach to take should consider the situation – if it is going to have a big impact on lots of people and your mission, if it is going to be hard to adapt afterwards, it needs the depth. If it’s lower impact, seems to worth it and easy to adapt afterwards, get on with it.
I also noticed some things about my approach. Nothing makes me happier than a mystery that calls me to gather data and pour over spreadsheets, or a curiousity I can bring it into conversations to explore what people have to say. There is such joy in finding a new way to look at a problem, the surprise of the new, wrapped up in what might otherwise have been taken for granted. And, when it is possible, to go super fast and make things happen.
What about you? Analyze or not? Love it or not?