A Moment of Reflection

Another Test Reflection (WEDNESDAY am)

11 March 2025 | Moments-MChimp Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce aliquet velit lorem, quis blandit nibh auctor vel. Curabitur tempus tellus neque, non gravida arcu accumsan et. Praesent ut rhoncus velit. Curabitur porttitor posuere neque a condimentum. Cras condimentum accumsan tristique. Donec consectetur tristique nibh sed imperdiet. Donec malesuada congue scelerisque. Etiam est arcu, euismod ut dolor vitae, vehicula rutrum erat. Vivamus dui eros, volutpat vitae risus at, volutpat facilisis lectus. Integer semper dapibus nunc in blandit. Aenean sagittis elit sit amet massa aliquam rhoncus. Aenean varius, elit vitae ultricies convallis, arcu tellus tristique sapien, in tristique dolor nunc sit amet dui. In dignissim, lorem eu elementum molestie, diam tortor euismod neque, quis porta nunc dui ut diam. Curabitur posuere dolor fringilla cursus hendrerit. Mauris tincidunt, magna a malesuada elementum, elit tellus interdum enim, nec laoreet felis nulla eget augue. Cras viverra augue justo, id auctor diam scelerisque id.

Nullam quam lorem, rutrum nec pellentesque quis, blandit sit amet justo. Vestibulum lacus lorem, venenatis a mauris euismod, commodo eleifend enim. Nunc interdum neque et tellus viverra accumsan. Duis vel justo elit. Fusce et risus et mi mollis interdum et tempus nisl. Ut in est dictum tellus imperdiet fermentum quis sed tellus. Ut elementum velit libero. Praesent congue porttitor magna ac consectetur. Mauris vel congue massa. Vestibulum sed condimentum felis. Nam sit amet lacinia ipsum, a convallis velit. Sed rutrum placerat mollis. Curabitur tincidunt urna leo, non sagittis metus tristique id. Vivamus a risus sed nisi h

Further Reflections

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Transforming Together

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From Toastmasters To Teaching

From Toastmasters To Teaching

I recently finished a supervision session with one of my Master’s dissertation students. She was delighted with the detailed feedback I provided on her last assignment, saying she had never received such comprehensive comments before. This kind of response is common...

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To analyze or not to analyze…

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Growth of the Individual

Growth of the Individual

There’s a famous quote from Dr. Smedley that reminds me of why I keep coming back to Toastmasters. "Ours is the only organization I know that is dedicated to the individual. We work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply these skills to help...

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Board Leadership Learning

I've just visited a lovely club where I'd been invited to speak about my learnings from being an International Director. Here’s what I shared: Self-Acceptance I met with another Past International Director this week who knew me from before I had served on the...

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Moments of Joy

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