A Moment of Reflection

Transforming Together

2 February 2025 | Moments of Reflection

When I think about transformation in Toastmasters, I think about personal and organizational transformation. One is the change that happens in each of us when we engage in our clubs and leadership teams. The other is the transformation we are making to develop our international organization, helping people grow across 150 countries.

We Toastmasters know that being actively engaged here changes lives. It transformed mine—from lacking confidence to speak at work to becoming a business owner, interim CEO, and leading change across large corporates. I could never have achieved this without being part of my clubs and leadership teams. Whenever I ask people in a Toastmasters audience to raise their hands if being here changed their lives, all the hands go up. We transform together.

The first time organizational transformation in Toastmasters became evident to me was as a District leader in the run up to the first Pathways launch. There was plenty of potential yet also challenges to be addressed. The Pandemic slowed us down, but I am delighted with the progress we are making now. We’ve made huge strides in improving the software platform, and can now turn our attention towards developing the content.

Having led technology, process, and culture change across organizations, I notice how changes are delivered. In the International Change Management Working Group I led before becoming a board member, we concluded that engaging those affected by change is key. I’ve been delighted by recent improvements in how we deliver change. The implementation of the new basecamp last year involved many members to ensure the design worked, and the rollout was smooth—amazing work.

More transformation is coming in Regions 1-7 as Districts realign to create larger districts that will be able to draw on more leaders, resources, and potential. Supporting the implementation is crucial—not just the mechanics of realignment but also helping members and leaders create new cultures and ways of working. For Regions 8-14, we have the potential to transform customer support, logistics, international payments, and regularize our local tax/legal status in each country.

As we move into our second century, the opportunities for personal and organizational transformation are limitless. I am excited about what we can achieve when we transform together!

Further Reflections

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