A Moment of Reflection

Anticipation Energy

10 February 2025 | Moments of Reflection

Waiting and Anticipating at the Seaside

I love weekend breaks by the sea, relaxing with the sights and sounds of the waves. Last weekend was foggy and grey, but on the last morning, the sky appeared as the sun rose. I watched and waited, full of anticipation. Would there be cold water swimmers? What were the birds up to?
This anticipation meant I was ready for a bird flying across my path, wings raised above the dawning sun. I love this photo—the energy and intent of the bird against the stunning sun. It was worth the wait.

Reflecting on Anticipation Energy

I’ve had a lot of waiting in recent months. Starting a new role, waiting for permissions and workload. Waiting for updates from my institution on completion of my doctorate. And here in Toastmasters, waiting for news of ILC nominations. With all this time thinking about waiting, I have realized I want to make it worth it. To convert anticipation energy into something useful, like writing this piece!

Dashboard Anticipation and Actions

I remember waiting for Dashboard updates as a District leader. In my time zone, it was lunchtime when the numbers updated, showing our progress towards club growth, membership and excellence goals. Anticipation was in play then too. What else could we do to nudge those numbers up? Help clubs get over the charter line? Encourage new members? Our anticipation converted into fabulous results for our District.

As an International Director, I saw District leaders in my Region waiting and pouncing on new dashboard results, turning anticipation into action. I was proud of each District; most were Distinguished or better, and they all raised their game.

My Wishes for You

If you are in the waiting zone too, I wish you wonderful anticipation energy, ready to make great things happen, whatever the results, whenever your time comes.

Further Reflections

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Speakers and Leaders

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Speakers and Leaders

At one point in my career, I served as CEO for a public speaking charity, training thousands of young people each year. My happiest moments were when we didn’t have enough trainers, allowing me to step in and deliver the training myself! One memorable session took...

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Achieving our Vision

Achieving our Vision

I believe in our purpose to make effective communication a worldwide reality and our mission to empower communicators and leaders. What does this look and feel like?

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Transforming Together

Transforming Together

When I think about transformation in Toastmasters, I think about personal and organizational transformation. One is the change that happens in each of us when we engage in our clubs and leadership teams. The other is the transformation we are making to develop our...

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From Toastmasters To Teaching

From Toastmasters To Teaching

I recently finished a supervision session with one of my Master’s dissertation students. She was delighted with the detailed feedback I provided on her last assignment, saying she had never received such comprehensive comments before. This kind of response is common...

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To analyze or not to analyze…

To analyze or not to analyze…

I was chatting with some friends this week about being analytical in leadership work.  How much analysis is enough, how much is too much?  When to go fast, when to slow down.  Decide in haste and repent at leisure? Or let procrastination be your tragedy? Where we get...

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Growth of the Individual

Growth of the Individual

There’s a famous quote from Dr. Smedley that reminds me of why I keep coming back to Toastmasters. "Ours is the only organization I know that is dedicated to the individual. We work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply these skills to help...

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Board Leadership Learning

Board Leadership Learning

I've just visited a lovely club where I'd been invited to speak about my learnings from being an International Director. Here’s what I shared: Self-Acceptance I met with another Past International Director this week who knew me from before I had served on the...

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Moments of Joy

Moments of Joy

At the Business Briefing in Anaheim at this August's 2024 Convention, I delivered my outgoing board member speech.    Many of my speeches center around stories, but not this one. This one is a poem. I felt that a few stories wouldn't capture the experience I had, and...

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