A Moment of Reflection

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Speakers and Leaders

11 March 2025 | Moments of Reflection

At one point in my career, I served as CEO for a public speaking charity, training thousands of young people each year. My happiest moments were when we didn’t have enough trainers, allowing me to step in and deliver the training myself!

One memorable session took place on a warm summer’s day. Many of the young participants were nervous about speaking, but the room was filled with mutual encouragement. One young person shared his experience of crafting, delivering, and receiving feedback on his first speech. He said, “This is the first time anyone has listened to me like you listened to me today.”

That moment helped me realize how crucial it is to help young people find their voices and build confidence. It can truly transform lives when these skills are nurtured from the start. I reflected on my own early days, struggling to convey my ideas, and my brother’s confidence and creativity stifled by a stammer when faced with strangers. We really can make a difference in peoples’ lives.

In Toastmasters, I have loved delivering Youth Leadership sessions, witnessing our methods help young people flourish. It brings me immense joy to see our members sharing the skills and confidence we’ve developed. Last week, I met a fellow Past International Director. He shared his work with numerous Gavel Clubs and Youth Leadership Programs in his District. His pride in this great work and the sense of possibility for both young people and Toastmasters was palpable. These young leaders are shaping the future generations that will carry us forward into our second century and beyond.

There is so much more we can do to support young people in Toastmasters. We can enhance the Youth Leadership Program, strengthen connections with youth Gavel Clubs. We can offer personal and DCP credit to those leading the efforts on the ground. For our members at the start of their working lives, we can provide education materials with a tangible employability focus, offering opportunities and recognition for leadership. There are also opportunities to partner with global youth organizations eager for their members to gain the skills and confidence we are so great at growing.

This week, I met with a member of the Region Advisor community, and we discussed the importance of engaging with young people. While neither of us are super-young anymore, we agreed that we can bring a youthful spirit to all we do. When we combine our experience with youthful enthusiasm, the possibilities are endless.

Imagine Toastmasters worldwide, with young people coming in to learn and grow supported by the experience and wisdom of experienced members. Imagine the lives they can build and the communities those young people can create. What a powerful gift we can offer to the world!

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